@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001066, author = {加藤, 祥子}, journal = {愛知教育大学研究報告. 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術科学}, month = {Feb}, note = {text, This experiment deals with problems of actual fit to the shape of the pregnant woman, which was conducted to demonstrate which slacks pattern is more suitable for the shape of the pregnant woman ; factors were the gradient of the front centerline, the gradient of the back centerline and subject. Each subject judged how she felt in certain slacks ; each observer judged how certain slacks looked to fit each subject by means of photographs. The result of this experiment is as follows : 1) The more gradient of the back centerline is increased, i.e. made more sloping, the more easily subjects can move and more confortable she feels. 2) The more gradient of the front centerline is increased, the better subjects look.}, pages = {79--85}, title = {着心地良い妊婦用スラックス ―前後股上線傾斜度―}, volume = {40}, year = {1991} }