@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002555, author = {寺本, 圭輔 and 家崎, 仁成 and 大矢, 知佳 and 山下, 玲香 and 村松, 愛梨奈}, journal = {愛知教育大学保健体育講座研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {text, The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of body composition and visceral fat accumulation to body mass index (BMI) and exercise habits. Anthropometry, body composition, and visceral fat accumulation (abdominal fat thickness) were evaluated in 34 healthy university students. The subjects were divided into two groups on the basis of BMI (normal <25 kg/m^2 vs. overweight >25 kg/m^2) and physical activity habits (exercisers vs. non-exercisers). Abdominal fat thickness (maximum preperitoneal layer, PFT; minimum subcutaneous layer, SFT) was measured by ultrasonography. It was found that percentage body fat and SFT differed significantly with body shape, increased weight being apparently linked to accumulation of subcutaneous fat. In contrast, overweight non-exercisers showed significantly higher PFT values, suggesting that this group may have risk factors for poor future health, i.e. metabolic syndrome, because of visceral fat accumulation resulting from physical inactivity.}, pages = {23--28}, title = {BMIおよび運動習慣の違いが腹部脂肪蓄積量に及ぼす影響}, volume = {40}, year = {2016} }