@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003133, author = {黒田, 友紀}, journal = {教科開発学論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {text, 本稿では、米国における大学院改革、とりわけ専門職学位であるEd.D.をめぐる状況や現在の動向を確認し、これまで何が課題とされ、どのように課題を克服しているのかを検討する。米国では、1920年にハーバード大学において初めてEd.D.が授与されており、博士号授与者のうちの一定数をEd.D.が占めている。しかしながら、日本ではEd.D.自体の認知度が低く、日本においてEd.D.の研究があまりなされているとは言えない。そこで、米国においても論争的であるEd.D.についてPh.D.と比較しながらその特徴を描き、米国のEd.D.が職業、すなわち学校教育行政者や教育関係者などと結びついている専門職学位であることを確認した。また、全米科学基金(National Science Foundation)の統計資料から、現在、Ph.D.授与者が増加し、Ed.D.授与者が減少しつつあり、そのなかでも教育行政領域が激減している事実を提示した。次に、「Ph.D.-lite」、「二流Ph.D.」として批判にさらされてきたEd.D.について、Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate(CPED)がEd.D.改革を行っていることを取り上げた。なかでも、Shulman, LeeがEd.D.の再設計において、CPEDをリードし、「学問的に考える実践者(scholarly practitioner)」、「固有のペダゴジー(signature pedagogy)」、「実践としての探究(inquiry as practice)、「実践の演習(laboratory of practice)」、「実践のなかの学位論文(dissertation in practice)」などの核となる概念を提示し、Ed.D.改革が、米国で現在進行していることを示した。, In this paper, I examine the reform of graduate schools of education and that of professional degrees, especially the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), into professional practice doctorates in the United States. And I consider certain issues with the Ed.D., namely, the differences and criticisms. In the United States, the Ed.D. was awarded for the first time at Harvard University in 1920. Today, many students enroll in the Ed.D. program and recipients of the Ed.D. occupy a certain number of doctorate recipients. In Japan, however, the Ed.D. is not well known, and few studies of the Ed.D. itself have been conducted. First, I explain the characteristics of the Ed.D., comparing it with the Ph.D., and show that the Ed.D. is a professional degree connected to a profession, to practical work. According to the National Science Foundation, the number of recipients of the Ph.D. is increasing but that of the Ed.D. was falling rapidly in 2010. Next, I address the issues with the Ed.D. The Ed.D. has been criticized for being a 'Ph.D.-lite' and a 'lowend Ph. D'. Recently, the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) tackled the reform of the Ed.D. program. Lee Shulman, who was the former president of Carnegie, played a crucial role in this project. He proposed a new degree, the Professional Practice Doctorate, and led the CPED project. A Phase-1 member of the CPED project, he defined a new Ed.D. and re-designed the Ed.D. program. I explain how Shulman also gave new meaning to and introduced concepts in the Ed.D. program, such as 'scholarly practitioner', 'signature pedagogy', 'inquiry as practice', 'laboratory of practice' and 'dissertation in practice', all of which are based on teaching/educational practice.}, pages = {149--157}, title = {米国における専門職学位Ed.D.をめぐる議論の検討}, volume = {2}, year = {2014} }