@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003257, author = {Mayer, Oliver}, journal = {教養と教育}, month = {Mar}, note = {text, The study of Landeskundel/Länderkunde (study of the geography, history, society and institutions of a country or region) in Germany can be divided into two concepts: Länderkunde as the equivalent of regional studies in geographical sciences, and Landeskunde as practical information about a country in the teaching of foreign languages. When teaching this subject in Japanese university, three different methods should be used. First, in classes for German as a second foreign language, it may be included in the curriculum, but due to the limited time available most information about the German-speaking countries should be given in Japanese. Second, in intensive courses for German language majors, the level of German is higher, so that Landeskunde can be taught using original German material; these students also learn much about Germany, Austria and Switzerland in other courses. Third, Länderkunde in geography classes can not use German language sources, but the students can study very intensively using their geographical background. An example of European Studies Ⅰ/Ⅱ(ヨーロッパ事情) for international culture majors at Aichi University of Education shows that Landeskunde must be set in a larger European framework, as Germany in today's Europe cannot be seen as isolated, and because students without a knowledge of German language, but with an interest in European studies, take the course.}, pages = {37--43}, title = {Landeskunde und Länderkunde: Zwei Konzepte und ihre Vermittlung im Unterricht in Japan.}, volume = {4}, year = {2004} }