@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004644, author = {早瀬, 多恵子 and 村松, 常司 and 藤田, 定 and 岡田, 暁宜 and 村松, 園江}, journal = {Iris health}, month = {Oct}, note = {text, In order to study the influence of the War experience upon the physical development, the data of bodyheight and body weight among the population of 5 to 17 year-of-age between 1939 (the last record before theWar) and 1947 (the first record after the War) are compared. As the result, both body height and weight had decreased in all age groups. Particularly, the largest drop down of body height was minus 8.6 cm observed among male population aged 14, minus 4.9 cm among female population aged 12. Concerning body weight, the largest decrease was minus 4.4 kg among male aged 14, minus 2.4 kg among female aged 13.Furthermore, the catch-up time was defined as, how many years it took until any physical data fully recovered by setting the data of 1939 as 100%. The longest catch-up times were found among the population of 14 year-of-age, body height recovery took 17 years among male and 16 years among female, body weight recovery took 18 years among male and 17 years among female. Those results suggested that the War exerience had grave influence upon the physical development of children and young adults., 戦争の身体発育に及ぼす影響を追究するために,昭和14年(戦前の最後の記録)と昭和22年(戦後最初の記録)の5歳から17歳の身長と体重を比較した。その結果,身長・体重とも昭和22年の値はすべての年齢おいて低下が認められており,中でも最も低下したのは身長では男子14歳の-8.6cm,女子12歳の-4.9cmであり,体重では男子14歳の-4.4kg,女子13歳の-2.4kgであった。また,戦争による影響のcatch-up([回復]をみるために,昭和14年の身長と体重を100%として追跡し, 100%まで回復するまでの期間を計測した。その結果,最も期間が長かったのは身長,体重とも14歳であり,身長では男子17年,女子16年,体重では男子18年,女子17年が回復に要した。以上の結果が示すように,戦争が青少年の身長と体重の発育に与える影響は極めて大きいことが分かった。}, pages = {17--21}, title = {戦争が青少年の身長・体重発育に与えた影響について}, volume = {3}, year = {2003} }