@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004713, author = {合屋, 十四秋 and 鶴峰, 治 and 高橋, 繁浩}, journal = {デサントスポーツ科学}, month = {Jun}, note = {text, With the change of the rules in the breaststroke style, the swimmer should be as streamlined as possible during the flat body position in the water. The current research on swimming has been improved with three-dimensional film data analysis procedure. On this standpoints, present study was designed to investigate the breaststroke timming of the movement and breathing for the four swimming phases syncronized by two VTR analysis data from side view in the water and front view above the water. The subjects of this study were Japanese Olympic swimmer in Seoul during 1988, four trained and four untrained swimmers. They were sprinted 25 ~ 50 m breaststroke with their maximum effort. Swimming form devided four phases were taken by a high speed video camera (NAC HSV 400) operating at 200 fps and analyzed by a personal computer. The results obtained were summerized as follows ; 1) The increased swimming velocity (SV) of top swimmer was accounted for by increased stroke length (SL) and decreased stroke rate (SR) than those of trained and untrained swimmers. 2 ) There were significant coefficient correlations between swimming velocity (SV) and the breathing time required during arm stroke recovery phase (r=-.948, P<.001). 3 ) In conclusion, the swimmer should be as streamlined as possible after immediate breathing during arm stroke recovery. It was suggested that the streamlined flat body position was decrease the frontal and head on resistance, and increase the propulsive force (Lift) by using proper hands pitch and arms position., 平泳ぎの手足,体幹および呼吸のタイミング動作を指導実践的立場から把握するために,水中と水上からの2方向同時撮影によるバイオメカニクス的検討を行った.その結果,呼吸所要時間と泳速度との間には有意な負の相関がみられ,呼吸動作をすばやく行うことの重要性が確認された. また,すばやい呼吸動作のあと,最も前面抵抗の少ないクライド姿勢をうまくとれるか否かが平泳ぎのパフォーマンスを大きく左右することがわかった.すなわち,体幹と水面とのなす角度はトップスイマーが顕著に少なく,熟練者,未熟練者の順となった.シンプルなグライド姿勢に至るまでの手足の協応動作がうまく調節されていることが前提と思われる.前面抵抗を少なくする単純な動作ではあるが,流体力学の原理の応用,実践の難しさを再確認させられるものである.一方,揚力を推進力に結びつける手のひらの櫂のような動きが観察され,このような推進力を映像解析と合わせて測定,定量化することが今後の課題とされた.}, pages = {83--92}, title = {2方向同時撮影による平泳ぎトップスイマーのタイミング動作の解明}, volume = {12}, year = {1991} }