@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004724, author = {清水, 紀宏 and 山田, 篤史}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本教科教育学会誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {text, 本稿の目的は,ふり返り活動による解法の進展について,潜在的な数学的能力(中原, 2002)を視点として実証的に検討することである。そのために,中学校2年生の生徒267名に対して,ふり返り活動を促す3つの実験群とふり返り活動を促さない統制群を設定し,解法に進展があるか否かを調べるための調査を実施した。その結果,次のような点が明らかになった。・高潜在力群の生徒に対しては,「別解・より良い解法の探求」に関わる処遇が有効であった。・低潜在力群の生徒に対しては,「解答・解法のチェック」「別解・より良い解法の探求」「解法の妥当性・一般化に関する検討」のいずれの処遇も有効で,とりわけ「別解・より良い解法の探求」や「解法の妥当性・一般化に関する検討」に関わる処遇が解法の進展に寄与した。また,低潜在力群では,ふり返りの促しなしでは解法の進展の生起は困難であることも示唆された。, The purpose of this article is to investigate empirically the development of solutions through looking-back activities in terms of potential ability for mathematics learning (Nakahara, 2002). In order to investigate whether there is any development of solutions after a specific looking-back activity, a control group and three experimental groups were set up. Each experimental treatment consisted of replying to a pair of questions: the first question requested subjects to explain their own solution; the second one was intended for implementing a specific looking-back activity with the corresponding function of "checking your own solution" (Check-Solution Treatment), "inquiring into another or better solution" (Another/Better-Solution Treatment), and "examining the validity or generalizability of your own solution" (Validation/Generalization Treatment), respectively. The results were examined in terms of the treatments and the subjects' potential ability for mathematics learning, and we could find the following points. (1) For the high potential ability group, the Another/ Better-Solution Treatment was effective. (2) For the low potential ability group, all of the three treatments were effective; in particular, the Another/ Better-Solution Treatment and the Validation/Generalization Treatment contributed to the development of solutions. This was compared with the control group, whose members appeared to have the common difficulty of developing their own solution without any looking-back activity.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {数学的問題解決終了後のふり返り活動による解法の進展について ―潜在的な数学的能力を視点とした検討―}, volume = {30}, year = {2007} }