@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004751, author = {伊藤, 貴啓}, issue = {6}, journal = {地理学評論. Ser. A}, month = {}, note = {text, 本研究は愛知県豊橋市におけるつま物栽培の地域的性格を工業的農業という観点から検討した. つま物栽培農家は豊橋市の市街地隣接地区に集積する. その農業経営は利潤を目的に家族労働力と雇用労働力で経営内分業をしながら,施設化・装置化に基づいた計画的周年生産を特色とした. それによって,生産の季節性,生産と労働の時間的差異や土地の制約という農業の特殊性は克服されていった. また,つま物栽培は土地集約型・労働集約型・資本集約型農業の性格も示した. つま物栽培地域は土地利用の集約性と粗放性,後継者と男子専従者の存在,労働力多投農家の集中,高い土地生産性と労働生産性,高販売金額農家の集中によって特色づけられ,都市化地帯にありながら積極的に農業を維持していた. それは市街地隣接地区という立地をいかした女性労働力の雇用と専門農協の強力な共選共販による大都市圏出荷を基盤としていた. この点から,本地域は輸送園芸産地としての性格も有する., Recent glass and plastic greenhouse horticulture in Japan has been increasingly industrialized by the adoption of an industrial production system and inputs of industrial material. This 'agricultural industrialization' can be defined as "agriculture transformed from small-scale farming with a low level of capital intensity to large-scale agriculture with fewer highly capitalized farms (Troughton, 1986)." Although agricultural industrialization is commonly found in developed countries, few attempts have been made to elucidate its regional characters. This study examined regional aspects of garnish cultivation in Toyohashi through the concept of industrialized agriculture. Garnish cultivation in Toyohashi is a typical form of industrialized agriculture, which applies industrial production modes to farming. Nagase in Toyohashi City, an agricultural community with active garnish cultivation, was selected as the study area. Patterns of land use are described and management of garnish production examined through the attributes of the farms, farming facilities(e.g.,glass and plastic greenhouses, environmental control system), the annual production calender, the division of labour, and marketing systems. Then the regional character and industrial character of garnish cultivation are discussed. The farms are concentrated in the built-up area of Toyohashi City and its fringe. In response to urbanization, the farmers introduced the industrial production mode into agriculture. The goal of the farm operation was not merely to earn agricultural income, but also to gain a profit for the investment of capital in reproduction. This was managed by separating agricultural expenditure from living expenditure. To gain a profit, garnish farmers adopted an automated environmental control system for controlling temperature, air exchange, light, and humidity to create an economically optimum environment. They achieved a division of labour as a result of labour specialization, and were able to achieve year-around garnish cultivation. The inferiority of agriculture to manufacture in terms of labour productivity and the gap between production and labour time were thus less predominant in garnish cultivation, which was less dependent on land than were other forms of farming. It resembles manufacture in the mode of production, the organization of labour, and the orientation of farm management. Consequently, the farm operations were characterized by the intensification of land, labour, and capital. The intensification of land led to both extensive land use with fallow and abandoned land and intensive use with large accumulations of glass and plastic greenhouses. The intensification of labour resulted from the division of labour. The area was characterized by many farm households with one or more male regular farm workers, a high ratio of farm households with heirs, and an accumulation of farms with intensive labour forces. The intensification of capital was the process of substituting purchased inputs (fertilizer, pesticide, machine) for labour. The area was characterized by the high productivity of land and the accumulation of farms with large sales. On the other hand, garnish cultivation was characterized by truck farming and cooperative shipments to the metropolitan region.}, pages = {303--326}, title = {愛知県豊橋市におけるつま物栽培の地域的性格}, volume = {66}, year = {1993} }