@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004763, author = {横山, 里沙 and 古田, 真司}, issue = {1}, journal = {東海学校保健研究}, month = {Sep}, note = {text, The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of a sports day on self-efficacy and school adaptation based on differences in the score of self-esteem in junior high school students. This study was conducted by questionnaire consisting of items of self-esteem, self-efficacy, school adaptation, and feelings during sports day. The questionnaire was given to students in the third year of one junior high school in Aichi prefecture. The survey was conducted three times, before and after the sports day and after one month. The main results were as follows. 1) There is sex difference in feelings during sports day, with girls having more positive feelings than boys. 2) While changes influenced by feelings of self-efficacy and school adaptation during sports day were not seen in the group with high self-esteem, changes were seen from the feelings and time to self-efficacy or school adaptation in the group with low self-esteem. Furthermore, self-efficacy and school adaptation changed easily in the group with middle level of self-esteem, compared with low group or high group, and this group was easily affected by sports day.}, pages = {71--80}, title = {体育大会が中学生の自己効力感や学校適応感に及ぼす影響についての検討 ―自己肯定感の違いに着目して―}, volume = {36}, year = {2012} }