@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005881, author = {鈴木, 裕子}, journal = {愛知教育大学研究報告. 教育科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {text, Various research has been done on the importance of the experience of physical play during early childhood. In recent years, physical activities and physical strength among children have been on the decrease. As a result, goals and studies of physical activities have been weighted on improving physical strength and athletic abilities. This research aims to study the psychosocial effects of physical play among young children. It focuses on the effects of dodgeball games among 5–6 year old children at kindergartens. The Playability Evaluation Scale of Young Children was used for the assessment of the 5-year-old class, with strong focus on one boy in the class, boy A. This scale consists of 5 factors and 23 items: “Smooth transition between reception, empathy and reaction,” “Adaptability to surroundings,” “Motivation for exploration,” “Creativity and imagination with focus” and “Affinity and Cooperation.” Through qualitative review, the process of becoming “fully playable” during physical play were considered from 3 aspects: “psychological and social effects”, “dodgeball playing skills” and “the reaction of other children.” As a result, the following 6 stages were seen in the dodgeball games of 5-year-old children observed from October 2015 to March 2016: caregiver intervention phase, caregiver assistance phase, initiative-taking phase, early trial-and-error phase, late trial-and-error phase, game development phase. In the case of boy A, it was found that each factor rose at different phases and through the encounter of people (other children), things (ball, rules) and situations (trouble), he become “fully playable.” It was also found that children could learn in a short time the game of dodgeball, but it took much longer for them to truly learn to work with others, learn from experience and come up with strategies. It was shown that physical play during early childhood has psychosocial effects and helps to nurture “a resilient mind and inquisitive body.”}, pages = {29--37}, title = {幼児期における運動遊びの心理社会的効果 ― 5−6歳児のドッジボール遊びに着目して ―}, volume = {66}, year = {2017} }