@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000062, author = {Mayer, Oliver}, journal = {愛知教育大学研究報告. 人文・社会科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {text, In Japan, most people who study German study it at university. However, besides the universities, there are other institutions offering German language courses, among them the Japanese-German Societies. This paper looks into the language classes offered by these societies and, taking one class in Nagoya as an example, discusses typical language learning biographies of the participants.}, pages = {103--112}, title = {Deutsch nicht nur an der Universität: Die Sprachkurse der Japanisch-Deutschen Gesellschaften und Lernerbiographien ihrer Teilnehmer}, volume = {63}, year = {2014} }