@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007978, author = {Iwamatsu, Takashi}, journal = {愛知教育大学研究報告. 自然科学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {text, The purpose of the present study is to provide information on the formation and development of the head skeleton during growth period from larva to juvenile in the medaka, Oryzias latipes. The developmental process of the structural changes in the head skeletal elements was morphologically examined in metamorphic phases from the larvae to juvenile. Just after hatching, there are already two kinds of pharyngeal bones (pharyngobranchials and pharyngeals) with teeth and two ossified branchiostegals on each undeveloped ceratohyal. In midmost of the orbit, the incompletely ossified parasphenoid appears first in early larvae about 5 mm total length (TL). In proportion to body size, the number of branchiostegals increases up to 5 in late larvae 10.5 mm TL. The size of the head skeleton increases with ossification in proportion to body growth. As a whole, cartilaginous elements of the head skeleton exhibit a slow ossification in proportional to body growth during metamorphosis. Thus, the head skeleton in juveniles more than about 15 mm TL is becoming very similar to that of adults.}, pages = {64--71}, title = {Growth of the Medaka (VII) - Development of the Head Skeleton During Metamorphosis}, volume = {70}, year = {2021} }