@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008064, author = {村上, 陽子 and 髙橋, 智子}, journal = {教科開発学論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {text, 著者らは,附属特別支援学校(知的)の高等部を対象として,家庭科と美術科の教科横断的な授業を実施した。家庭科の授業では伝統的な食文化の視点から,美術科の授業では美術作品の視点から授業を構想した。本稿では,家庭科の授業を中心に,授業の構想と内容,生徒の実態,および実践授業に対する評価等について報告を行う。家庭科では,日本の伝統的な食文化への関心を高めることを目的に,和菓子を教材として取り組んだ。和菓子は,我が国の伝統的な食文化の一つである。和菓子は,造形の美しさや色彩の多様性を特徴とし,季節感を多様に表現する。事前調査において,生徒達は,和菓子の色彩や形に対する関心が高かった。生徒達は,実際に作った和菓子と抹茶を味わうことにより,伝統的な和菓子の色彩や形,季節感,意匠等について五感を通して学んだ。生徒達は,和菓子が食文化として重要であることを様々な側面から理解しており,和菓子に対する興味関心がさらに増加し,学びを定着させている様子が観察された。, We conducted cross-curricular lessons in home economics and art with Japanese culture as a common theme. The lessons were carried out with students with intellectual disabilities in the high school section of a special needs school. The home economics class was designed from the perspective of traditional Japanese food culture, and the art class was designed from the perspective of works of art. This paper reports on the conception and content of the classes, the background of the students, and the evaluation of the classes, with a focus on the home economics class. The aim of the home economics class was to increase student interest in traditional Japanese food culture. Wagashi was used as a teaching material. Wagashi represents the traditional food cultures of Japan. It is characterized by pleasing shapes and a diversity of colors, and expresses a sense of the seasons. Pre-lesson surveys showed that students were very interested in the colors and shapes of wagashi. The students learned about the colors, shapes, seasonal sensations, and design of traditional Japanese sweets using their five senses including tasting actual wagashi and matcha tea.. They understood the importance of wagashi as an example of food culture in many ways, which further increased their interest in wagashi and reinforced their learning., 静岡大学大学院教育学研究科}, pages = {57--71}, title = {特別支援学校(知的)における伝統文化を題材にした教科横断的な授業実践―和菓子(練り切り)に着目して―}, volume = {9}, year = {2021} }