@article{oai:aue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008384, author = {望月, 大 and 村越, 真}, journal = {教科開発学論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {text, 本研究では,心理学的エビデンスに基づく防災教育実現のために,2010年から2020年までに発表された「学校教育における防災教育」を扱う実践研究を概観した。まず,心理学的論文で扱われる防災行動の規定因と文部科学省により示された防災教育のねらいをもとに,育成すべき資質・能力を,「リスクの知識」,「リスク認知」,「避難スイッチ・安全を確保する行動」,「地域社会への参加」,「社会のしくみへの主体意識」の5つにまとめ,同心円モデルに整理した。その5つの資質・能力の観点から実践研究をレビューした。その結果,①「自助」「共助」「公助」を網羅した実践の展開,②教科の専門性に応じた資質・能力の育成,③最新の研究成果やICT機器の授業への活用,という防災教育の成果が明らかになった。一方,①資質・能力の全体像の明確化の必要性,②育成すべき資質・能力の検証法の未確立,の課題が指摘された。成果と課題をもとに,防災教育の今後の在り方を論じた。, This paper reviews the studies published between 2010 and 2020 relating to disaster prevention education in Japanese schools. First, the competencies that disaster prevention education aims to develop, according to MEXT, are explained by using the Concentric Circle Model. The competencies are classified into five categories; knowledge of risks, perceived risks, evacuation response switch and behaviors to ensure safety, participation in society, and understanding of social systems. The review then shows that disaster prevention education after the Great East Japan Earthquake has led to positive achievements in the following three areas: 1. The competencies related to the five categories have been mostly covered (but superficially in some cases) by classroom practices. 2. Disaster prevention education has been dealt with, not only in social studies, but in science and in some other subjects. 3. Not only school teachers but also some other researchers and research institutes have been involved in disaster prevention education in schools. However, challenges remain in the following two areas: 1. The Grand design on competencies that disaster prevention education aims to develop, have been constructed. 2. Methods for measuring the extent to which target competencies have been achieved need to be developed.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {資質能力の視点から見た,防災教育実践研究の動向-東日本大震災以降の防災教育の授業実践論文を中心に-}, volume = {10}, year = {2022} }